Sunday, January 18, 2009

so what now?

so, ive been here for more than a week. 

what did i do when i was back home? eat ! eat and eat ! and of course met my family n friends. :))

gonna miss this.

owh, and we baked some cuppies for new year. JUST FOR FUN :))

so, being here for more than a week made me realised than malaysia is kinda fun. nvm, gonna go back in june. 

owh, dinni witnessed something, which i find sooo HILARIOUS. haha. 

ok, he was at this shop. and they had this old lift.which only goes one floor up and one floor down. and the door.. my god.. it opens and closes so damn slow,like so creepy movie's lift. so, according to him, there was one whole family inside it,which made the lift full and he had to wait for the next round. so, lift closes. and dinni went to look at some stuffs, nearby the lift. so, few mins later. he pressed the lift button and the door opened, and the sameeee indian family was still inside the lift and the dad said, "WE DIDN'T GO ANYWHERE?" hahahahaha.


Anonymous said...

naqiah! cupcakes look yummy!
nak recipeee :)