Sunday, August 31, 2008

19th August..

May god bless you !
We All Love you..

love or no love?

this morning, i was at giant supermarket with my mum. Well, as we were lining up to pay for our stuffs, theres this old couple in front of us talking.. called each other "yang" ..the first thing that came acrossd my mind was... "aaaawwwww" .. kinda sweet right for old couples to still call each other "sayang" ! hehe..

neways.. the second thing that crossed my mind was... did they actually fell in love before getting married.. or fell in love after they got married.. Like my grandma, she din know who she was gonna marry.. and i believe she fell in love with him after they got to know each other during their marriage years.

believe it or not I used to think that getting into an arranged marriage is OK.. it doesnt bother me at all if my parents were to set me up with a guy... and marry him .. i dont know what the hell was i thinking ! well.. i knew one thing for sure that they'll a decent guy for me.. but.. Can i stay with him ??? Can i love him ??? Can i stand him ??? hahaha.. well, i was young and stupid... still young though.. and maybe a bit stupid/immature??
! ;)

Friday, August 29, 2008


#Do you have any weird talents?
i can lick my elbow ;)

#When was your 1st kiss?
what kinda question is this !

#Do you have a YouTube account?

#Last book you read for pleasure?
hurrrmmm... cant remember

#What's your 4th txt message?
dinni saying he is alright and everythings ok :)

#In one word, how would you define yourself?

#Tell me about the last dream you had.
something about a serial killer !

#What is you favorite kind of ice cream?
all types ~ :) NYUMMMYY

#What do you like to do in your free time?
watch tv

#Do you get along with your parents?

#Something you really need now?

#What is the last TV program you watched?
greys anatomy

#What are you wearing right now?

#What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?
for the next day

#When you think of the rainbow, what pops in your head?

#Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't?
yeahhh :(

#Are you afraid of the dark?
yesss.. wait. sometimes only

#Whats worse, roaches or spiders?

#Do you ever want to get married?
of course..

#How long does it take you to get ready to go somewhere?
not that long if i know what im gonna wear.

#Would you rather be called hot, cute, or awesome?
fabuloussss ! yes? no ?

#Travel by bike or walk?
travel by feet to nadiah's house.

#Play any sports?
yea.. a bit

#Who knows you best?
mo :)

#Name one of your 2nd cousins
hurmm... i cant think of any.

#What would be the best gift ever?
my family and him

#Do you have cancer or know someone who does?
i dont.. and my mum recovered from a cancer !

#What is your current mood?

#Who do you admire?
angelina jolie ! shes a SUPER MUM !

#Are you photogenic?
not at all

#Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
#What movie are you waiting to see in theatres?
MIRRORS !!!!!!!

#Why did your last relationship fail?
The guy was a jackass !

#Have you played on the Wii yet?

#What do you think of politics?
messed up

#What is worse, physical or emotional pain?
definitely emotional pain

#When do you use the F word?
im a good girl ;)

*evil grin*

mirrors oh mirrors !

i really want to watch mirrors ! but i know if watch it'll haunt me. i'll be scared like for weeks. and might not be able to look at mirrors a quite some time. sigh* but i reallllllly wanna watch it !

Thursday, August 28, 2008

ouch... :(

had to extract my wisdom tooth .. and it hurts ! :(

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Oleh Rudy Syareme Sheriffudin

GEORGETOWN: Mereka melepaskan 10 das tembakan dalam tempoh kurang 10 minit sebaik seorang pengurup wang memindahkan beg pakaiannya ke troli di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Bayan Lepas (LTABL) di sini, semalam.

Dengan memakai topeng, tiga lelaki yang masing-masing bersenjatakan pistol pantas melepaskan tembakan rambang ke arah van keselamatan, jalan raya serta pintu kaca sebelum merampas sebuah beg yang disangka mengandung wang tunai RM1.9 juta milik mangsa.

Tembakan itu juga mengenai paha dan perut pengurup wang berkenaan.

Sebelum itu, pengurup wang terbabit tiba di balai pelepasan LTABL dengan menaiki sebuah kereta Volvo bersama van syarikat keselamatan yang membawa wang tunai RM1.9 juta.

Tiga suspek keluar dari sebuah kereta Toyota Harrier manakala seorang lagi menunggu di kereta.
Mangsa yang berusia 59 tahun dalam perjalanan menaiki pesawat ke Singapura.

Bagaimanapun, perompak terbabit berputih mata apabila beg yang disangka mengandungi wang tunai terbabit hanya beg pakaian milik mangsa.

Pegawai Perhubungan Media Polis negeri, Superintendan Shahron Anuar Abdul Latif, berkata suspek melepaskan 10 das tembakan ke arah van keselamatan, jalan raya serta pintu kaca lapangan terbabit terbabit.

Katanya, mangsa turut terkena tembakan pada paha dan perut.

“Suspek kemudian melarikan diri membawa sebuah beg yang disangka mengandungi wang RM1.9 juta ke arah tidak diketahui. Bagaimanapun, siasatan mendapati beg terbabit hanya mengandungi pakaian mangsa.

“Akibat gagal dalam cubaan merompak itu, suspek meninggalkan kereta dinaiki di kawasan lapang di sebuah taman di Bayan Lepas, kira-kira dua kilometer dari tempat kejadian,” katanya pada sidang media di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Seberang Prai Tengah (IPDSPT), Bandar Perda, Bukit Mertajam, semalam.

Beliau berkata, kereta yang ditinggalkan itu tiada nombor casis dan tidak diketahui sama ada ia kereta curi atau sebaliknya.

what a day !

today i went to tkc to get my spm cert. and guess what.... we met en.salleh. had a little chat with him ! aisyah just haaaaaad to tell en.salleh that i like to go to clubs ! wth ?? ahahaha.

then when we arrived aisyah's house, we decided to go curve.. so we where there for like less thn 5 mins. so. went to the autopay station to check if i need to pay anything. then we were off to pusat bandar damansara. kinda sesat for a lil bit.. anyways ... during the "lost" period...i suddenly realised that my spm cert wasn't with me !!!!!!!! then i thought it was probably under my seat...
but NOOOO ! it wasnt thereeeee ! so.. it just hit me that i might have dropped it at curve, when i wanted to pay for the ticket.. so, we quickly went back there and searched the car park, but couldnt find anything.. aisyah decided to go ask the car park security. and THANNKK GOD .. there was a good news !

me /aisyah : uncle ada jumpe sijil tak kat situ ?

carpark security : owh.. sijil spm ey ? ada ada.

me : ye kee?? kat mane sijil tu sekarang?

c/p security : ada laki melayu yang keja starbucks yang jumpe . die ambik sijil tu . cube adik cari die kat starbucks. die rambut tegak2 .

me/aisyah : owh. ok ok . terima kasih ye uncle !

c/p security : adik tahu kan kat mane starbucks ? die kat atas hujung sane.

me/aisyah : tahu tahu . terima kasih ye uncle .

so.. we went to starbucks.. and searched for the guy......

me : hey .. the car park security guy told me that u found a spm cert at the car park ..

malay guy : yeaah..

me : well... its mine.. i kinda dropped it just now.

malay guy : owh. alright..

me : well... can i have it back.....

malay : owh. its at the concierge.

me : ooowh. ok ok.. thanks yeaaaah

so, luckily i found my spm cert !!! yeeaaaaay ! thank u , you malay guy rambut tegak2 ! :)
and thank u aisyaaah ! owh and yeaah..the guy at the concierge counter wanted to lelong my spm cert ! hehe .

haaaaappy ending !!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Oleh Mohd Jamilul Anbia Md Denin dan Mohd Firdaus Ibrahim

KUALA LUMPUR: Anggota bomba yang sinonim dengan memadamkan kebakaran atau mengeluarkan mangsa tersepit dalam kemalangan terpaksa melakukan tugas menyelamat paling pelik, semalam.

Sepasukan anggota dari Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Pantai di sini dipanggil bagi membantu doktor memotong cincin besi keluli yang tersekat pada pangkal kemaluan seorang pesakit lelaki di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM).

Doktor terpaksa menggunakan kemahiran angg
ota bomba bagi memotong cincin yang sukar dicabut itu selepas pelbagai usaha dilakukan tidak berjaya.

Difahamkan, mangsa yang berusia awal 20-an sengaja menyarungkan cincin pada kemaluannya dipercayai bagi meningkatkan kekuatan seksual selain memberi kepuasan luar biasa kepada pasangannya.

Pegawai Balai Bomba dan Penyelamat Pantai, Sarjan Malek Neik, berkata pihaknya menerima panggilan kecemasan daripada kakitangan PPUM berhubung insiden pelik terbabit pada jam 12.43 tengah hari semalam

Menurutnya, sebuah jentera dan enam anggota kemudian dikerah ke PPUM untuk misi membantu masalah terbabit yang disifatkan sukar dipercayai.

“Sebaik tiba, mereka dibawa ke bilik kecemasan sebelum dimaklumkan keadaan dihadapi ketika itu,” katanya ketika ditemui di sini, semalam.

Katanya, dia melihat beberapa doktor berusaha mengeluarkan cincin itu yang terlekat pada pangkal kemaluan pesakit berkenaan.

Doktor terbabit cuba memotong cincin berkenaan menggunakan peralatan pembedahan, termasuk pemotong besi tetapi gagal kerana ia terlalu keras.

Malek dan pasukannya terpaksa menunggu kira-kira 20 minit sementara doktor bertungkus-lumus menanggalkan cincin berkenaan.

“Cincin besi keluli itu terlalu keras dan semua alat pemotong yang dimiliki hospital tidak berkesan memotongnya.

“Pesakit itu pula dilihat mengerang kesakitan setiap kali kemaluannya disentuh dalam usaha menanggalkan cincin itu,” katanya.

Selepas segala usaha menemui jalan buntu, doktor meminta bantuan kepakaran bomba bagi memotong cincin terbabit menggunakan pemotong besi yang
sering dibawa dalam operasi menyelamat mangsa kemalangan atau kebakaran.

“Keadaan kemaluan mangsa yang membengkak merumitkan usaha menanggalkan cincin itu. Malah, kedudukannya pada pangkal kemaluan menyukarkan untuk memotong,” katanya.

Sebagai langkah keselamatan, doktor meletakkan sebilah kayu sebagai pelapik untuk mengelakkan kecederaan serius kepada kemaluan mangsa ketika pemotongan dilakukan.

“Kami terpaksa menggunakan pemotong besi bagi memutuskan cincin berkenaan. Tugas berkenaan dilakukan dengan penuh berhati-hati sebelum cincin terbabit dapat dipotong dalam tempoh tak sampai seminit.

“Anggota bomba yang terlatih dan cermat berjaya memotong cincin itu dengan hanya sekali percubaan,” katanya.

Menurutnya, kemaluan mangsa terlebih dulu dibius petugas PPUM bagi membolehkan tugas itu dilakukan dengan lancar.

“Tugas itu amat mencabar, namun saya berpuas hati kerana khidmat anggota bomba berjaya menyelamatkan nyawa lelaki berkenaan,” kata Malek yang menganggap kejadian seumpama itu amat jarang berlaku.

Mengikut kepercayaan golongan tertentu, tindakan menyarung cincin besi dalam kemaluan dikatakan mampu menambah kekuatan seksual si pemakai walaupun mereka sanggup menanggung azab sengsara akibat kesan sampingannya.

Monday, August 25, 2008

here are 19 diff ways to say "I LOVE YOU"

Polish - JaKocham Ciebie

French - Je T'aime

Hindu - Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte Hae

Czech - MilujiTe

Slovakian -Lu'Bim Ta

Italian - TiAmo

Ukrainian - Ya Tebe Kahayu

German - Ish Libe Dish

Chinese - Wo Ai Ni

Greek - S'agapo

Hawaian - Aloha Wau Ia Oi

Lithuianian - Tav Myliu

Korean - Sa Rang Hae Yo

Japanese - Ai Shi Te Ru

Romanian - Te Ubsec

Bosnian - Volim Te

Albanian - Te Dua

Filipino - Mahal Kita

Spanish - Te Amo

Sunday, August 24, 2008

trip to lembah beringin..

went to take my results cert today. so malu to see all the ppl !!! and thennnn.. mimi told me that we also need our spm cert for the visa !!!! another 45mins drive.. and this time to SEREMBAN. i dont care aisyah, YOU HAVE to come !!!! hehe :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

smallest FEET !

i just found out that , i have the smallest feet in my family.. even my younger sis's feet is bigger. sheesh ! but its a good thing i guess.. i got new shoes, well it was supposed to be my mum's ! but she cant fit it. even my sis .. so IT IS MINNEEEE ! yeaayy !

my dinni..

u're so BRAVE !!! :)

go to hell u stupid indonesian muggers!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

this is it !

this is what i want...

i like, i like !

heels oh heels..

I need heels... saw one just now. absolutely GORGEOUS! and now i cant stop thinking bout it. sheesh naqiah.. you have better things to think about !! heels oh my heels..

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

loan+letter=STUDY !

never knew that it would be sooo damn hard to ask for a loan. and the Interest rate just goes higher AND higher everytime we stepped into a new bank. I think they're evil ! from 6 something to 7 something to 8 something. I wish i knew elton john! then i can ask for his help. i know, why elton john, right ? well, he looks like he loves to waste his money and since he has plenty of money.. by giving some amount to me would not make a difference to his bank account ! but it is stupid and impossible. sigh*

i'm just hoping for a miracle now or A GENIE !!

Monday, August 18, 2008

day OUT !

went out with hayat,kat and sarah today.
picked up hayat and sarah, then we went to kat's workplace to kacau her and also to ask for free stuffs. ;)
then , we went bck to my place, chilled for a bit . boi, those girls are so addicted to tetris. I thought i was the only one who is a tetris maniac. rupe2 nye ada jugak org lain. So they went online just to beat Sarah's top score! you,girls...
then we went to ou. to window shop and also to eat !!
thanks u girls. Had fun. including the curi glass part of the day!

my very own BLOGSPOT !

tried using xanga. was too menyusahkan . so switched to blogspot/blogger as aisyah recommended this !
thanks aisyah ! :)
will update soon.