Sunday, August 31, 2008

love or no love?

this morning, i was at giant supermarket with my mum. Well, as we were lining up to pay for our stuffs, theres this old couple in front of us talking.. called each other "yang" ..the first thing that came acrossd my mind was... "aaaawwwww" .. kinda sweet right for old couples to still call each other "sayang" ! hehe..

neways.. the second thing that crossed my mind was... did they actually fell in love before getting married.. or fell in love after they got married.. Like my grandma, she din know who she was gonna marry.. and i believe she fell in love with him after they got to know each other during their marriage years.

believe it or not I used to think that getting into an arranged marriage is OK.. it doesnt bother me at all if my parents were to set me up with a guy... and marry him .. i dont know what the hell was i thinking ! well.. i knew one thing for sure that they'll a decent guy for me.. but.. Can i stay with him ??? Can i love him ??? Can i stand him ??? hahaha.. well, i was young and stupid... still young though.. and maybe a bit stupid/immature??
! ;)


fiqss said...

hey you! x inform pun ade blog!
i'll link u ;)

nway, dont la say stupid.
yeah,thats more like it. haha.

nway regarding on the matter of jodoh,we can never really tell. but perhaps when the right person comes along we just know it? haha. i dunno.

ask me again when i call n tell u that im getting married ok. hahaha.

naqiah said...

haha.. WILL DO fiqss !!! :)

anatiasyran said...

hi qiah..lame tak denga cte..nway arranged marriage tak la terok sgt pon..if the jodoh is ur mum's choice..she sure has such a good taste..xkn la die nk bagi anak die ni laki mane² tah..btol X?